Outline and Scope
The eminent massive deployment of robotic systems in fundamental domains of human existence will have a substantial impact on the economic, social and cultural tissues of our societies. As in any technological revolution, though this transformational power will bring substantial benefits to society, it also urges to reflect on the fundamental ethical issues concerning (i) the physical and psychological well-being of end-users (ii) the preservation of fundamental civilizational values on which our societies stand.
Following the trend already initiated by the First International Conference on Robot Ethics, ICRE 2015 http://www.icre2015.com/, this workshop on Robot Ethics aims to bring together academia and industry in a common effort to discuss those fundamental matters in order to contribute to the definition of progressively more fine-tuned safety standards and legal frameworks at European and international levels.
Topics of Interest
The scope of the workshop includes and is not limited to the following non-exhaustive list of topics:
- Applied ethics in robotics
- Human-centered ethics
- Ethics and the education of end-users
- The ethics of military and surveillance robotics
- The ethics of medical robotics
- Social and legal implications of robots
- Safety/ legal frameworks and civilizational contexts
- Safety standards in the design, production and use of robots
- The environmental impact of robotic technology
- Technology addiction and alienation
Submission of Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit their full draft papers in PDF format using the URL:(https://www.softconf.com/h/clawar2016/submit.html) or the paper submission link in the paper submission page of the CLAWAR2016 conference web-site by the deadline of 01 21 February 2016 for consideration for inclusion in this Workshop. Final accepted papers will be limited to 8 pages in length in the prescribed style format given in the paper submission page of the conference web-site.
All papers will be peer reviewed, and all accepted papers (subject to registration) will be published in the conference proceedings.
A selection of presented papers will also be recommended for possible publication in reputable international journals.
Workshop Organising Committee
Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira,
University of Lisbon,
Contact Email: aldinhasferreira AT gmail DOT com
João Sequeira,
University of Lisbon,
Contact Email: joao DOT silva DOT sequeira AT tecnico DOT ulisboa DOT pt
Sarah Fletcher, University of Cranfield, UK
Marilena Kyriakidou, University of Coventry, UK
CLAWAR 2016 Conference Key Submission Dates:
01 21 February 2016: Submission of Full Draft Papers [extended deadline]
14 March 2016: Notification of Paper Acceptance
15 April 2016: Submission of Final (accepted) Papers