CLAWAR “Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support Technologies for Mobile Machines” is an international event in the field of robotics, organised in collaboration with CLAWAR Association whose mission is advancing robotics education and science for public benefit in the areas of robotics and associated technologies. CLAWAR started as a European Network of Excellence in 1997, and was funded by the European Commission in two phases through to 2005. The mission of the Network was to expand the application of mobile robotics through the interaction of major players in this scientific area in Europe. In 2006, CLAWAR Association was founded as a not-for-profit organisation registered with Companies House (2006) and Charities Commission (2011) in the UK, with the following objectives:
- Support initiatives to create a sustainable service robotics community for the public benefit.
- Conduct education and research in cooperation with international roboticists to reduce duplication of effort by encouraging modularization.
- Support international robot standardization activities to facilitate the development of new robot markets.
- Provide mechanisms and communication channels to increase the flow of information about robotics to technical experts and laypeople through sponsorship or co-sponsorship of events, electronic events, production of publications and organization of activities with the media for public benefit.
Management team
General Chair
Ebrahim Samer El youssef
Mohammad Osman Tokhi
Scientific Committee chair
Leonardo Mejia Rincon
Manuel Silva
Administrative Local Committee Chair
Patricia Della Mea Plentz
Daniel Alejandro Ponce Saldías
Promoting Entities
CLAWAR2023 will take place from October 2nd to the 4th on the coordination of professors at the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC.
Expected results
- Bring together researchers with specific training in the field of Robotics;
- Present a high quality scientific program;
- Propose scientific and technological innovation themes and projects;
- Cooperation and exchange of experiences on the subject bringing together internationally known names in the scientific community;
- Training of human resources, encouraging student participation;
- Formation of multi-institutional collaborative networks;
- Promote the university/company partnership.
Sponsorship categories
Sponsorship categories and counterparts are shown in the table below. For more information, contact Ebrahim Samer El youssef ( and Daniel Alejandro Ponce Saldías (

1 The logo must be made available by the company up to a maximum of 2 months before the event so that it is possible to make the annals, badges, folders, t-shirts and the event program.
2 The banners must be made by the companies and must have a maximum height and width of 1.80 m and 1.20 m, respectively.
In addition to the benefits mentioned above, we will be offering the sponsoring companies:
- Institutional return: A valuable institutional return is the best thing this event has to offer, linking the sponsors’ image with the most important national and international R&D groups.
- Financial return: Sale of new product concepts to the opinion-generating public present, on-site marketing at a stand (gold and diamond sponsors), creation of a register of professionals in the area, exchange and partnerships with other institutions, marketing strategy with participants, between others.