Download Call for Papers as PDF file here.
ICRES 2021 is the sixth edition of the International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards series, and will be held at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, New York at 26 and 27 July 2021. The ICRES conference series provides a multidisciplinary forum for discussing the fundamental and pressing safety, ethical, legal, and societal issues in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, and the scope is not limited to physical robots. We invite full papers, posters and extended abstracts. Please see further details in the instruction to authors page.
- Autonomy and liability
- Ethical principles in robotics
- Defining ethical guidelines for the design, use, and operation of robots
- Enhancement technologies: ethical issues
- Privacy & management of personal data
- Ethical frameworks: universal or region-specific?
- The role of industry and society in the definition of safety standards
- AI technology to block unethical/mendacious social-media communication
- Accountability in autonomous systems
- Embedding values and norms into intelligent systems
- Ethics and standardization
- Raising ethical awareness among stakeholders
- Transparency in autonomous systems
- Political and legal frameworks
- Formal and mathematical frameworks for robot ethics
- Implementations and engineering studies
- User and HCI/HRI studies at the intersection of the above issues
Workshops/Special Sessions
Potential organisers are invited to submit their workshop/special session proposals to the conference secretariat by the key deadline date. The proposals will include the title, aim and scope of the session with a list of potential contributions. All papers submitted for inclusion in the session will go through the conference peer review process.
Robot Exhibition
The robot exhibition, in addition to physical hardware, will include videos and software models and animations. Potential exhibitors are invited to view the exhibition page in the conference web-site for details of the requirements and process of taking part in the exhibition.