Download The CLAWAR 2024 Call for Contributions Brochure (PDF)
CLAWAR 2024 is the 27th issue of the International Conference Series on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines. The conference will be organized in collaboration with the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau and FZI Center for Information Technology, Germany.
The conference is going to be held in the Fraunhofer Center, Kaiserslautern, Germany, during 04 – 06 September 2024. The technical program of the CLAWAR 2024 will feature the latest, high-quality research in the area of climbing and walking robots. It will be organized in plenary, regular and special/invited sessions. The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer’s Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems series and indexed in Scopus.
Please refer to the Instructions to Authors for contribution details.
The CLAWAR 2024 aims to strengthen the scientific and personal exchange in the climbing and walking robotics community.
Original contributions are invited in the area of climbing and walking robots as well as in the general area of mobile robotics like flying or mobile ground robots. The conference will cover analysis (modelling and simulation) techniques, design approaches, and practical applications and realizations of robotic systems. Support technologies for realization of such systems, associated economic, ethical and social considerations are integral part of the conference theme. A non-exhaustive list of topics and activities is:
- AI in Climbing and Walking Robots
- Planning and control
- Legged and hybrid locomotion
- Biologically-inspired systems and solutions
- Climbing and Walking Robots applications
- Emergency & rescue operations
- Entertainment
- Flying robots
- Innovative actuators and power supplies
- Innovative design of Climbing and Walking Robots
- Innovative sensors and sensor networks
- Biomedical robots
- Modelling and simulation
- Perception and situation awareness
- Planetary exploration
- Positioning and localisation
- Prothetics and rehabilitation
- Robot regulation and standardisation
- Social robots