The advancement of education and science for the public benefit in the field of robotics and associated technologies.
- To support initiatives to create a sustainable service robotics community for the public benefit.
- To undertake education and research in cooperation with international roboticists to reduce duplication of effort through encouraging modularisation.
- To support international robot standardisation activities to facilitate the development of new robot markets.
- To provide mechanisms and channels of communication to increase the flow of information on robotics to technical experts as well as the lay people through sponsoring, or co-sponsoring events, e-events, producing publications and organising activities with the media for the public benefit.
Members of the Association will benefit in a number of ways including the following:
- Reduced registration fees at CLAWAR conferences, and other events sponsored by the CLAWAR Association.
- Publications of the CLAWAR Association free of charge (Newsletters, e-Journal).
- Opportunity to participate in CLAWAR student modular robot projects.
- Access to a wide range of organisations and individuals through the CLAWAR community.
- Opportunity to develop networks and promote their work within and through Membership of the CLAWAR Association.
- Opportunity to assist in developing and widening the application base for robots and robotic systems.
Visit the membership page to become a CLAWAR member.