CLAWAR 2023 Registration – Authors

$ 62.06

SKU: N/A Category:


CLAWAR 2023 Registration fees


“Member” designates Member of CLAWAR Association

Category Early bird

(By 01 July 2023)


(After 01 July 2023)

Author Participant Author Participant
Member £350 £250 £400 £300
Non-member £425 £325 £475 £375
Student member £250 £250 £250 £250
Student non-member £285 £285 £285 £285
Retired member £200 £200 £200 £200
Additional article (over 2) £100 £100
Additional banquet £50 £50 £50 £50


Students are required to provide confirmation of their student status with a certified letter from their supervisor or head of department. Please send the letter to the conference secretariat upon registration.